“I’m speaking to your body now, your mind can rest”
I little bit about me ~
Here I am, Mid-50’s and dare I say, happier, healthier, living a life beyond my wildest dreams. All while deeply honoring the intentionality and commitment to the importance of my work in women’s health.
Approved by my daily living, my mothering & my heart.
I was barely 28, brand new to California having moved across the country to start a new life. Little did I know, how many “begin agains” I would experience.
Moments of deep personal insights, private pivotal decisions, getting it wrong sometimes, courage, growth, sorrow, joys, deep love, grief, all of it meaningful = the journey of living.
Real life is complicated and wonderful.

25+ Professional years serving women, ongoing studies, devotional practices, centered around wellness, honoring the birth of new mothers & their babies, postpartum practitioner, pre & postpartum massage, yoga, meditation and every modality that called me in.
Each adding their own essence in cultivating a more expansive heart to support, hold, care for and work with you.
Every birth I have assisted and served.
Every person I have touched with massage.
Every yoga class, meditation, ceremony, workshop, educational class I have curated along the way.
Every plant essence I explore and plant in my garden.
My body knows each of these practices intimately.
Holding reverence for my body’s intelligence, so I can do the same for you.
My highest wish is to leave you with a new vision of caring for your body’s brilliant design.
ELEVATING WOMEN’S HEALTH - Empowering a New Generation of Mothers
Reclaiming Self Responsibility ~ Honoring Womanhood
Tending to your inner work, activating your own steps with tender loving care.