“I’m speaking to your body now, your mind can rest”


I little bit about me ~

Here I am, Mid-50’s and dare I say, happier, healthier, living a life beyond my wildest dreams. All while deeply honoring the intentionality and commitment to the importance of my work in women’s health.

Approved by my daily living, my mothering & my heart.

I was barely 28, brand new to California having moved across the country to start a new life. Little did I know, how many “begin agains” I would experience. 

Moments of deep personal insights, private pivotal decisions, getting it wrong sometimes, courage, growth, sorrow, joys, deep love, grief, all of it meaningful = the journey of living. 

Real life is complicated and wonderful.

25+ Professional years serving women, ongoing studies, devotional practices, centered around wellness, honoring the birth of new mothers & their babies, postpartum practitioner, pre & postpartum massage, yoga, meditation and every modality that called me in.

Each adding their own essence in cultivating a more expansive heart to support, hold, care for and work with you.

Every birth I have assisted and served.

Every person I have touched with massage. 

Every yoga class, meditation, ceremony, workshop, educational class I have curated along the way.

Every plant essence I explore and plant in my garden.

My body knows each of these practices intimately.

Holding reverence for my body’s intelligence, so I can do the same for you.

My highest wish is to leave you with a new vision of caring for your body’s brilliant design.

ELEVATING WOMEN’S HEALTH - Empowering a New Generation of Mothers

Reclaiming Self Responsibility ~ Honoring Womanhood

Tending to your inner work, activating your own steps with tender loving care.

Self inquiry my medicine, self honesty my action, love my anchor, wisdom my well nourished friendship.

TRUTH, the language my body speaks to ME and ME alone.

It is my life’s work to honor this above all else.

My business is where I can offer this back out into the world.

Serving myself higher in order to do that for YOU.